The Auto Accident and Your Auto Injury Chiropractor
Can you imagine life without your beloved car? Pause for a moment and consider some facts; there are thousands of more cars on the road every year which increases the risk of accident. This sobering reality can involve even the very best of driver’s too. Even the best drivers in the world are involved in car accidents. Fortunately, as accidents increase so does the level of medical support systems. One of the best medical support systems for an accident is the chiropractic branch of alternative medicine. That’s right. Chiropractic really has come to the rescue, because it has developed some really effective solutions when it comes to treating your auto injury and returning you to a normal life style. Down at the San Jose auto injury chiropractor center, we focus on the assessment of your auto accident injuries, the planning of your effective treatment program, and then getting you on the fast track to rehabilitation.
Common Injuries from Auto Accidents
“Whiplash” is one of the most common auto injuries encountered by the auto injury chiropractor. In fact, according to Clinical Research conducted for the U. S. National Institutes of Health, around 83% of auto injuries are whiplash-related. Essentially, whiplash is an injury to your neck and/or back and results from sudden movement in the back or neck area. After a car accident, you may typically experience neck pain symptoms, swellings, muscle spasms, or the on-set of sudden headaches. According to the auto injury chiropractor in San Jose, there are many other forms of auto injuries that they tend to, aside from whiplash. In fact, virtually any part of the musculoskeletal system can be affected by the traumatic experience of a car accident. The advice we offer to the auto injury victim is to get expert medical advice from a doctor as soon as possible, even if no immediate evidence of injury is indicated. This advice is valid for all auto injury victims as even the slightest hint of pain could turn out to be something serious. Don’t delay, make an appointment today – call your auto injury chiropractor in San Jose now on: (408) 295-5559
Is the Treatment Painful?
Well, to be candid, due to the violent nature of auto injuries, the path to successful rehabilitation will not be without some serious effort on both sides, the patient undergoing treatment therapy, and that of the auto injury chiropractor as well. Teamwork is essential, and down here at the San Jose auto injury chiropractor we pride ourselves on the first-class reputation we have built up with our clientele. We invite you to check for yourself what our patients have to say after their treatment at our auto injury chiropractor.
Now Keep this in Mind:
Chiropractic has come a long way since it first gained recognition as a specific alternate branch of medicine back in the 1895. Much research has gone in to developing specialized treatment programs aimed at alleviating the painful repercussions of auto injuries since then. Our professional auto injury chiropractor will work in tandem with you as they look to returning you to a normal lifestyle through their care and treatment therapy. If you are suffering neck pains resulting from a car accident, don’t delay; get your free consultation with one of our well trained auto injury chiropractors by completing and sending in this form.